Legislative Updates
Combating Social Media Fraud
One of the greatest threats to our democracy is disinformation, of both foreign and domestic origin. It threatens the integrity of a truly democratic voting process, and little regulation currently exists to control it. That’s why I introduced SB 705, a bill to establish a criminal penalty for fraudulent impersonation or duplication of a social networking account. Now, more than ever before, we must ensure that we foster an effective and informed democracy.
Governor Sununu Vetoes Election Reforms
As the Chair of Election Law and Municipal Affairs, I believe that access to the ballot box for all our citizens is the highest priority. I believe it should be the goal of our legislators and election officials to make voting more accessible, efficient, and secure. In the year 2020, we should be able to register and cast our ballots in a way that honors our constitutional right and responsibility to vote and recognizes our present-day circumstances. Voting is how we use our voice -- it’s how we give input on the policies that govern our lives.
Governor Sununu has failed to meet this goal. In vetoing independent redistricting, the SMART Act, and other legislation designed to simplify and modernize our electoral processes, he is preventing the people of New Hampshire from fully participating in their democracy. However, this is not the end of our fight for free and fair elections. As State Senator, I will continue to work to protect and expand voting rights for everyone in the Granite State.
School Re-Opening Town Hall
On August 3, I met virtually with parents to discuss what was on their minds. We talked about the format of the coming school year in response to COVID-19, as well as paid family medical leave. Most of New Hampshire’s schools will be pursuing a hybrid model this fall, with an emphasis on flexibility. For more information, be sure to visit the New Hampshire Department of Education website.
Many working parents have struggled over the course of the pandemic to balance educating their children and working from home, made worse by a lack of quality, affordable childcare. Meanwhile, a sick child or family member often costs parents a great deal in lost wages. As one participant noted, the laws on the books today were “meant for the family of the 1960s.” As State Senator, I intend to remain a strong advocate for our young parents and their children.
New Hampshire Democratic Party Voting Rights Town Hall
Celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, the New Hampshire Democratic Party held a virtual town hall on voting rights. I was proud to co-host this event, at which Sen. Carol Moseley Braun was a guest speaker. Granite Staters asked their questions and learned how to safely exercise their right to vote in November!
As New Hampshire’s voting processes have been adapted to keep voters safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, this town hall event sought to provide Granite Staters with non-partisan, accurate information about how to register and exercise their right to vote this fall. The town hall recording is available on the NHDP Facebook page.