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Roles and Responsibilities

Executive Committee and Delegates-at-Large


It shall be the duty of the Chair to call meetings of the Hollis Democrats and the ExecutiveCommittee and preside over those meetings; to vote in the case of a tie; to supervise the ongoing operations of the Hollis Democrats; to supervise all officers in the exercise of their respective duties; to be responsible for the maintenance of records that will reflect the ongoing operations of the Hollis Democrats and to ensure that such records are passed on to the appropriate elected successors to coordinate workers during local, state or national elections; and to ensure that any reports required by State or Federal Law receive full compliance. The Chair shall be responsible for securing and encouraging nominees for State Senate, State Rep, County Commissioner, Sheriff, County Attorney and the other offices in consultation with the NHDP. The Chair shall fill the ballot in accordance with RSA 655:37, and may appoint any committee or individual to assist in meeting these responsibilities. The Chair will work with the NHDP to help identify Inspectors of Elections to be appointed by the NHDP between May 15 and July 15 of the General Election year as stated in RSA 658:2.

Vice Chair

It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chair to perform the duties of the Chair in their absence;
and to perform such duties as may be delegated by the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for
overseeing any committee efforts to recruit candidates for State Representative and the Democratic
State Convention.


It shall be the duty of the secretary to maintain accurate minutes of the meetings of the
Hollis Democrats and Executive Committee; to post notice of meetings; to keep such other records as
may be required; and to act in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair.


It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to be responsible for the custody of all funds of the
Hollis Democrats; to keep a full and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements; to deposit all
moneys in the name of the Hollis Democrats in a recognized bank; to disburse said funds as may be
ordered by the Executive Committee; to give a full financial report to the Chair, the Hollis  Democrats,
the Executive Committee, or the Finance Committee upon request; to sign all checks, drafts and orders
for payment of money; and to act in the absence of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary.


It shall be the duty of the at-large delegate(s) to represent Hollis as voting members at the New Hampshire Democratic Party State convention and to attend meetings of the Hollis Democrats as necessary.


  • Communications sub-committee volunteers work on messaging to Hollis Dems and voters through newsletters, email blasts, direct mail, and more.


  • Legislation tracking sub-committee volunteers follow what's going on in Concord so we can hold our elected officials accountable.

  • Monthly programming sub-committee volunteers organize the speaker or activity as well as the logistics for our monthly general meetings.

  • Visibility sub-committee volunteers ensure we are seen and heard in the community through participation in town events like Old Home Days and by organizing sign-holding gatherings and more. 

  • Data sub-committee volunteers track active members, volunteer interests, and other pertinent information to allow us to mobilize pro-actively and quickly as needs arise.

  • Fundraising sub-committee volunteers work on raising the money it takes to accomplish everything else.

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