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News you can use from the Hollis Dems and the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Toxic Dirt = Toxic Water

Representatives McGhee and St. John and Senator Levesque (along with several Nashua State Representatives, and Massachusetts elected officials) attended a Community Forum in mid-August regarding the soil reclamation project that would result in more than 50 tons of potentially toxic soil being dumped in a former quarry site (161 Nashua Road in Pepperell). The site is very close (200 feet) from the junction of the Nashua and Nissitissit Rivers and is very close to a shared aquifer with Hollis. 

  • Traffic/safety impact: EIGHT to TEN, LARGE 18-wheeler dump trucks PER HOUR passing through Hollis, Dunstable, Tyngsboro, Pepperell, Nashua, and others.

  • Dump site: 200 ft from Nashua River, 100 ft from Pepperell Zone II wells: sits over the water plume that leads to the Hollis’ aquifer

  • Proposed project: dumps an estimated 3.2 million cubic yards of “regulated” contaminants in Pepperell over 7-9 years.

  • “Regulated” contaminant source: 160,000 trailer truckloads of construction fill from Boston and three New England states.

  • How will it affect you? Negative environmental, public health, traffic safety, noise, air quality, and economic impacts.

Click here for more info!

Union Leader Editorial Says Write-In Better than Lewandowski

August 14, 2019 | Josh Marcus-Blank

In Case You Missed It, the Union Leader editorial board slammed Corey Lewandowski ahead of his likely announcement for Senate tomorrow. The editorial notes that Lewandowski is so toxic he may damage the entire New Hampshire Republican ticket and, if he gets the nomination, Republicans would be better off with a write-in than voting for him.


"Ouch," said NHDP spokesperson Josh Marcus-Blank.

Union Leader Editorial:


Donald J. Trump is scheduled to appear — his words — in our “drug-infested den” of a state tomorrow evening. No doubt he will take credit for any and all improvements he is made aware of while he is here.

We doubt he will identify with the one thing for which he can most likely be held responsible: the near-complete Democratic takeover of the New Hampshire Legislature, and several county offices, in the last state elections.

New Hampshire Republicans may fare a bit better in 2020, no thanks to Trump. New Hampshire Democrats could find themselves in a role-reversal next year, weighed down by a national ticket so far out in leftist looney land that independent voters may hold their noses and vote for Trump as the lesser of two evils. Some lower races may then follow suit.

Unless, of course, “Republican” candidates are of the Corey Lewandowski type. Aptly called a political “thug” by Judd Gregg, Lewandowski is no more a Republican than is his man, Trump. On any given day, he will be having whatever Trump is embracing at the time: record-high debt and deficits, an isolationist America, and a coarsening and debasement of political discourse and basic civility that should shame the once Grand Old Party.

With that kind of candidate, voters may find nothing worth choosing between a radical left and a reprehensible Party of Trump.

In that case, “send them back where they came from” may be the best write-in next year.

Send her back? Send her home?

July 24, 2019 | Josh Marcus-Blank

In Case You Missed It, Bill O'Brien, who has begun self-identifying as "Trump before Trump," launched his campaign for the U.S. Senate last night by joining his crowd in chants to "send her home," channeling the chants heard at last week's Trump rally.

You can watch the full scene HERE.

Think Progress: New Hampshire Republicans embrace racist Trump rally chant

Days after even President Donald Trump appeared to denounce his supporters for chanting “send her back” at one of his rallies — a cry echoing his own racist attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and three other congresswomen of color — supporters of a New Hampshire senate hopeful chanted a similar mantra at a rally on Tuesday. And rather than stopping the chant, U.S. senate candidate Bill O’Brien (R) actually joined in.

O’Brien, the arch-conservative former speaker of New Hampshire’s state House of Representatives, announced this week that he will seek his party’s nomination to run against Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) next November. In May, he likened himself to Trump, boasting that, like the president, he too has been called “racist,” “misogynist,” “evil,” and a “bully.”

On Tuesday, his supporters at a rally began chanting “send her home,” as he attacked Shaheen. A smiling O’Brien gradually began joining in, chanting “send her home” along with his supporters, before saying “thank you.”

While the American-born Shaheen is not herself a person of color, the fact that O’Brien’s supporters have adopted the xenophobic and racist chant that even Trump said he was “not happy with” (before defending his supporters as patriotic “people that love our country”) indicates that the president’s view that anyone who disagrees with him should be sent away has spread across his base.

STATEMENT: Corky Messner Enters GOP Senate Primary

July 17, 2019

Concord, N.H. - Today, a new candidate, Corky Messner, joined the growing New Hampshire GOP Senate Primary field. 

NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:


"Being a Colorado multi-millionaire with money to burn doesn't qualify you to be New Hampshire’s U.S. Senator. Corky Messner can spend all his money, but New Hampshire voters aren't going to be fooled by this Trump wannabe's vanity project."


“The GOP primary is a contest of who can hug Trump the tightest and with another candidate joining the fray it’s getting more intense. But New Hampshire deserves a U.S. Senator who makes a difference for Granite Staters, not a rubber stamp for Donald Trump and his endless attempts to take away health care by repealing the Affordable Care Act.” 


September 18, 2019 | Dan Mason

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE – The House of Representatives took up 24 House Bills vetoed by Governor Sununu today, overriding the Governor on only one.  Vetoes of numerous bills were upheld, including legislation to reduce gun violence, expand renewable energy, and end gerrymandering.  House Majority Leader Doug Ley (D- Jaffrey), released the following statement:

“The actions by House Republicans today were truly disappointing.  By voting to sustain the governor’s vetoes on numerous bills passed with bipartisan support, House Republicans decided that providing cover for Governor Sununu is more important than upholding the oath to represent the people of their district.  Of the bills defeated today, nearly half were originally sponsored by Republicans and three-quarters originally received bipartisan votes in the House.

“The vetoes upheld by Republicans today included critical bills to improve public safety, end gerrymandering, protect the rights of all voters, expand renewable energy and save the biomass industry in New Hampshire.  Unlike last year, when House Republicans joined Democrats to override Governor Sununu on biomass legislation, Republicans flipped today in a vote that will cost Granite State jobs.

“The people of New Hampshire elect representatives from their community to be a voice for their community in Concord.  Today’s votes made clear that House Republicans are not a voice for their community, they are simply a voice for Governor Sununu.”

STATEMENT: New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair on Sununu's Self-Made Budget Crisis

July 25, 2019 | Holly Shulman

Concord, N.H. – Today, New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement on Sununu's self-made budget crisis:

“Sununu brought us to the brink with his budget veto. Today’s hostages in Sununu’s self-made crisis? Opioid treatment funding and assistance for New Hampshire’s most vulnerable citizens. 

But with these issues at stake today, Sununu is no where to be found. He sold out the state to special interests and left for vacation for Democrats to pick up the pieces of his broken promises. Democrats are doing what’s right for Granite Staters and repairing Sununu’s damage, while Sununu is doing who knows what.”

Bill "Trump Before Trump" O'Brien Joins GOP Senate Primary

July 23, 2019 | Josh Marcus-Blank

Concord, N.H. - After months of attacking his GOP primary opponents in the shadows, Bill O'Brien finally announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in New Hampshire today.

NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:

"New Hampshire voters remember Bill O'Brien was a mirror image of Donald Trump before Trump ever ran for President. In office, they both made sabotaging the Affordable Care Act, defunding Planned Parenthood, and undermining voting rights their top priorities."

"This primary will be nasty, but if there are two things Bill O'Brien is capable of, it's throwing a political punch and supporting everything Trump does. With yet another candidate joining the fray, this primary is only getting more intense by the day."

NEW: Study Shows Veterans to Lose Health Care If ACA Ends, GOP Senate Candidates Don't Care

July 19, 2019 | Josh Marcus-Blank

Concord, N.H. - New analysis shows that thousands of New Hampshire veterans could lose their health insurance if GOP Senate candidates Bill O'Brien, Donald Bolduc, and Corky Messner succeed in striking down the Affordable Care Act. 

Ending the Affordable Care Act could kick tens of thousands of Granite Staters off their health care and end protections for patients with pre-existing conditions, and the new study from Families USA shows that New Hampshire veterans will be especially hard hit. If the health care law is overturned:

  • By 2020, 2,256 New Hampshire veterans are projected to lose their health insurance coverage.

  • By 2026, 3,323 New Hampshire veterans are projected to lose their health insurance coverage.


Donald Bolduc has already said he would eliminate the Affordable Care Act on several occasions. Both Messner and O'Brien will be forced to defend their position to end health care for thousands of New Hampshire veterans when they officially start campaigning. 

NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement in response:

"These candidates are running on a platform to end health care for thousands of New Hampshire veterans. That's baffling and wrong. Granite Staters deserve better than these Trump rubber-stamps who will stop at nothing to end our health care." 

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